Eucalyptus Essential Oil: Does it Help Beard Growth?
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Eucalyptus oil is one of the most popular and sought after essential oils in the world, with advocates claiming it has strikingly positive effects on the skin, hair, and overall health.
But is Eucalyptus oil really good for the beard? Will it help it grow, and are there any downsides to it?
It’s easy to just blindly focus on the benefits of essential oils – and there are lots of great essential oils out there – but there are always pros and cons to grooming products.
So in this article, we’re going to explore the truth behind Eucalyptus oil for facial hair, asking what it really does and whether it’s worth your time and money.
But in order to do that, we need to start at the very beginning.
What is eucalyptus oil?
Eucalyptus oil is distilled from Eucalyptus, a common genus of plant and tree native to Australia. The leaves are dried, crushed, and distilled to release the essential oil, which at its purest is quite volatile and needs to be carefully tempered.
It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat everything from bodily aches to fevers and colds.
During the colonial era, it was discovered by Europeans and quickly became a popular fixture in various health and beauty products, peaking in popularity in the mid 20th century.
Since then, Eucalyptus oil has become increasingly popular with beardsmen, who claim it helps improve the look, feel, and growth of their beards.
But does the evidence back up that belief?
Well, the simple answer is yes. But too many Eucalyptus oil for hair growth reviews overlook quite how broad the benefits it offers are:
4 Benefits of eucalyptus beard oil
1. It softens and moisturizes your beard
Eucalyptus oil improves the feel and appearance of your beard by softening and moisturizing existing beard hairs. If you use it regularly – roughly twice a week – you should start to see a visible difference in the quality and fullness of your facial hair very quickly.
This also makes it easier to brush and style, and softens the edges to stop it from being harsh on your skin – not to mention anybody else who happens to come into contact with your facial hair.
2. It reduces inflammation
Eucalyptus oil has powerful anti-inflammatory qualities, which help reduce the inflammation of the skin underneath your beard.
This not only helps your face look more attractive – because, you know, but the skin also isn’t inflamed – it ensures the skill is healthy, which can affect the speed and quality of facial hair growth.
Eucalyptus oil is also antimicrobial, which helps further accelerate the growth of beard hair by ensuring the skin and follicles are clean and clear.
3. It provides a pleasant smell
Eucalyptus oil has a sweet scent – almost minty – which many men really love. The freshness of the smell is a big bonus for many men, particularly when you use it in the morning.
Most Eucalyptus oil products dilute the pure oil, as it is quite volatile on its own and prone to go rancid when in contact with heat or light. So the smell of an actual Eucalyptus beard oil is often not a pure minty smell but a combination of different essential oil scents.
4. It stimulates the follicles
Eucalyptus oil is a natural emollient, meaning it stimulates the hair follicles, promoting faster and healthier facial hair growth. And that’s not it: it can also increase the blood flow to the hair follicles, which further promotes growth.
If you’ve ever had dandruff, you know how uncomfortable it can get. Dandruff causes itching and irritation on your scalp. It also flakes off into your hair, making it very unsightly.
Eucalyptus essential oil is an effective remedy for dandruff because it moisturizes the skin and hair follicles, while also reducing inflammation and keeping flakes away. It also helps prevent future instances of dandruff by keeping your beard well-conditioned with its hydrating properties!
What are the best eucalyptus oil products?
Given the benefits Eucalyptus oil has to offer, it’s unsurprising that the market is absolutely flooded with products containing at least some Eucalyptus oil. But that doesn’t mean they’re all equal – far from it.
If you’re looking to find a Eucalyptus beard oil, you’re in real danger of being duped into choosing a sub-par product. So we’ve put together a short list of the absolute best items available:
1. Handcraft Blends’ Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Handcraft Blends’ 100% pure Eucalyptus oil is about as good as you’ll find: premium quality, with a great dispenser and a glass dropper to make it easier to mix it with other oils.
This is very much a DIY product, meaning you’ll need to mix it yourself. But that also gives you more control over the formula you use and what you want the Eucalyptus oil to do for your beard.
This stuff is tested for quality by an independent lab, and for men who want the full benefits of Eucalyptus oil, you’re unlikely to find a better quality – or better value – product.
2. Skyorganics’ USDA Organic Eucalyptus Oil
Skyorganics’ Eucalyptus oil is another great option – similar to Handcraft Blends’ in that it’s 100% pure Eucalyptus oil, but this stuff has a stronger scent – beautifully fresh mint – and comes in a great variety of sizes.
It is USDA certified organic and is almost unanimously loved by people who use it – whether for their beards or for a variety of other uses like aromatherapy and other wellness practices.
3. SVA Organics’ Eucalyptus Oil
SVA Organics’ is also a USDA certified organic Eucalyptus oil, and comes in a lovely big glass that will keep you going for a long time. It has a slightly unusual smell, granted.
But the quality (100% pure Eucalyptus oil) for the price is pretty incredible, and there is a money-back guarantee – so if you’re unhappy with the product, you can simply send it back to them!
How to apply eucalyptus oil in 6 simple steps
1. Clean your beard first
It’s vital that your beard and skin is as clean and clear as possible when you apply Eucalyptus beard oil, so begin the process by either taking a warm shower or gently washing your face and beard – preferably using a beard shampoo.
2. Gently dry your beard
Once your beard is cleaned, you need to dry it carefully and gently, to avoid getting it into a state of irritation. Dab it with a soft towel, or softly massage it with a moist towel to let it naturally dry.
3. Evenly distribute the oil in your palms
Carefully pour your Eucalyptus oil onto your palms and distribute it across your hands evenly, so that they are not soaked or too ‘thick’ with oil.
4. Apply the oil evenly with circular motions
Gently apply the oil across your entire beard, using soft circular motions to allow the beard to naturally absorb it as much as possible. Imagine you are applying moisturizer to a baby – it is a delicate process, and you don’t want to cake the stuff on!
5. Comb it thoroughly
Take your beard comb and carefully comb through the beard. This is to ensure the oil is distributed evenly across the entire beard, and you should be careful not to rub the oil as that will either make the skin oily or potentially irritate it.
6. Leave the oil to dry
Finally, you need to leave the oil to dry. Afterward, you can do what you like – clean it, moisturize, whatever feels best. But you need to leave it at least for half an hour to allow the skin and hair to fully absorb the oil.
3 Tips for using eucalyptus oil on sensitive skin
For sensitive skin, Eucalyptus oil can be quite an intense experience, and using it without properly considering your skin could result in a) not getting the desired effects, and b) potentially harming or irritating your skin.
Here are 3 simple ways you can make sure your sensitive skin remains unscathed:
1. Use smaller amounts
Simply using less oil will drastically decrease the likelihood of irritating your skin. You also need less of it, as your skin will respond more quickly to the oil than other people’s.
Simply administer it drop by drop, carefully distributing it evenly across your beard, and make sure you are conservative with it at first, to test your skin’s tolerance for it.
2. Mix it with a carrier oil
Typically speaking, Eucalyptus oil is already diluted with other carrier oils to ensure its intensity is mitigated and only its benefits remain. However, if you have sensitive skin you should look to get an even greater dilution – often less than 1% will do just fine!
Common carrier oils are coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil, though several others are also suitable.
3. Wash it off quickly
Make sure you don’t leave the oil to linger too long on your beard, as it will start to irritate your skin. Instead, men with sensitive skin should rinse it off gently with cool water after roughly half an hour, and use soap and a moisturizer afterward to clean and repair your skin.
You now have everything you need to start making use of Eucalyptus oil – to improve your beard growth and make your beard generally more healthy.
We’d love to hear what your experience has been with Eucalyptus beard oil – do you love it? Do you hate it? Did it produce the results you were hoping for?
Let us know in the comments below.