Three Famous Movie Beards
As a beard lover, you don’t need to tell how cool they are. A beard adds character to your face, and throughout history, the beard has stood for many things. …
As a beard lover, you don’t need to tell how cool they are. A beard adds character to your face, and throughout history, the beard has stood for many things. …
We’re fortunate to live in an age in which a beard is worthy of utmost respect. While mankind has often had a love-hate relationship with beards, there’s a lot of …
From the dawn of time, facial hair has played a notable role in a man’s appearance and human culture as a whole. Throughout history, beards have been worn in various …
We’ve all been there: You’ve decided to take the plunge and grow a beard, and you’re excited to get styling. The only problem is, it isn’t quite happening the way …
When November is here, the beards will appear. Why November? Because it’s the launching pad for No-Shave November, a rallying cry for men everywhere and the chance to grow a …
While mustaches never actually disappeared, they did fall out of fashion in the past few decades, at least in many parts of the world. They’re making a comeback, however, and …
Most of us have heard advice about “Don’t believe everything you hear.” What we accept as the truth is often b.s. The topic of beards includes hundreds of facts, advice, …
It’s not just a beard. No, that incredible mass of facial hair you so proudly wear is history, science, psychology, emotion – and more – all wrapped into one. Of …
Maybe you had a hard time believing it. Maybe you had a friend who said, “Grow a beard and see for yourself.” Maybe you’ve witnessed it first-hand at a bar …