The Classic Goatee Style: How to Trim, Guide, Examples, and More!
When discussing the classic goatee, it’s important to clear up a common misconception. That is, the classic and full goatee are two different things.
When most of us think “goatee”, we’re thinking of the full mustache and chin facial hair combination that’s worn by a multitude of celebrities, including Brad Pitt.
The “classic” goatee, on the other hand, consists simply of neatly-trimmed facial hair on the chin. There is no mustache with the classic goatee, and that’s the major difference between it and a full goatee.
What the Classic Goatee Says About You
Goatees of any kind represent something of a middle-of-the-road statement. You want to wear facial hair, but don’t want to make the full commitment of a full beard.
You’re not necessarily wishy-washy, but you’re a casual, easygoing guy who doesn’t get too stressed about the mundane things life hands us on any given day.
The classic goatee is a serious look—it says you’re a man who knows how to take care of himself and that you’re ready for whatever life throws at you. It’s clean and simple, but also suave and sophisticated.
What Face Shape Best Fits the Classic Goatee?
Goatees, including the classic goatee, look good on a variety of facial shapes but the classic style best fits men with rounder faces. It also looks good if you have a fading hairline, or you’re bald, but keep it well-trimmed, not scraggly.
If you have a so-called “baby” face, then a goatee (of any kind, really) will give you a more grown-up, mature look.
The classic goatee is an easy style to wear, with a long and narrow beard balancing the chin and forming a point in the center. Like many facial hair styles, the classic goatee works best with certain face shapes. Here are some of the best face shapes for this style:
Oval – Your oval-shaped face is perfect for this look! The beard adds fullness along your jawline, while keeping your chin narrow.
Square – The classic goatee softens the edges of your square-shaped face and draws attention away from your angular features.
Round – Similar to an oval-shaped face, the classic goatee will add definition to a round face.
Diamond – This style works well with diamond-shaped faces because of its pointy end that mirrors your strong chin.
How to Trim a Classic Goatee
The classic goatee doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. Just keep it trimmed so that it’s about an inch in length. The hair should not extend outward beyond the corners of your mouth. And keep your mustache area clean-shaven.
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- Goatee styles
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1 Comment
Can you grow your classic goatee to any size? Or does it have to be short?